Thursday, December 27, 2007

Now that all the gifts have been open I can show you a couple of things I made. I had plans for even more giftmaking but the unexpected early arrival of grandkids threw a wrench in that one. But I don't get to see them often enough and my sewing machine is in the studio every day, so, priorities. Anyway....

My son Sam has a new home and a sparse bachelor/sporty decor style. Still, his new place is a lot larger than his old, so when I found these old postcards I thought I'd make him a few things. He loves to spend summers out on his boat on the lake and the winters snowboarding. I didn't make it too fancy since he's a guy, y'know, but I did put a bit of glitter on the snow bunny's ruffed hood, sleeves and, though you can't see it well (maybe if you click on the photo to enlarge), her cleavage. His reaction at first was a bit "uhm, what ARE these!?" but then he rallied and said he'd put them in his pool room. I think they'll grow on him as people notice them. It was fun to make them.

All the adults got scarves. Except William, who at 16 isn't an adult but that's not why he didn't get a scarf, he didn't get one because he refuses to wear them. All the guys got the cool skull camo print which I really liked and maybe I'll make one for myself too eventually. Noel got the leopard print. I hadn't realized that her daughter Nonny had a cute faux leopard coat, so now they'll match. The pastel stripe is for Sam's pastel lovin' blonde girlfriend Kyla and the two rainbow design on black were for my daughter-in-law Lisa and myself.

Since we're finally getting snow (yah!), everyone will have a chance to wear them.

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