I think the best idea is just to let you grab another cup of coffee or tea and let you scroll without comment. Keep in mind, these are photos of unfinished dolls. Most everyone still had more to add to them once they took them home. These are all "in process" shots.

I love how much some (most!) of these totems ended up looking like their people. Or, if not physically similar, had the same personality.

Here's Ash's amazing baboon faced totem. It was probably the most interesting story in the group as she was working so hard to make him go in a different direction and struggling, really struggling when she went to bed Saturday night. Sunday morning a friend suggested she simply ask her totem what HE wanted and suddenly he just took off in this amazing direction!!! Such good advice for any adventure or goal.

A tableau of characters posing for us. Mine are the creatures on the right, starting with the white raven. You can see mine are the least finished.

I did finish my little owls though. They were really fun to make. I used the same process for both and yet they each came out with their own personality.

Unlike most of the group, I didn't finish dressing my creatures, but I sort of made up for that by making FIVE things. White Raven wasn't finished because I had my heart set on using a few things I had at home for her apparel. So then I made Spike the Chihuahua so I could have a doll to dress. He didn't get baked soon enough though so I went on to create little owls while I waited. And then, messing around with some leftover wire and clay, I created the little mossy stick guy you can see painted but undressed in the middle there.
And that's it, I forgot to take any other photos of my own creations. I hope to get to finishing them all soon and I sure hope I remember to take photos of the process.

We couldn't travel with open bottles in our cars so the last night we did the environmentally proper thing (waste not want not) and polished off the rest of the wine and mead. And that, sadly, was the end of the workshop. Until next year?
Wonderful, Laume! I can't wait to see them finished! Sounds like it was a fantastic weekend. :)
I am very much impressed! Job well done.
oooh! I wish I can make one! so beautiful!
Your sculptures are fantastic! What a fun workshop!! Makes me want to start searching for one myself....now!
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