Monday, February 12, 2007

My studio has been out of reach for months. First there were the holidays, guests. My studio is also the guest room. Then my daughter and her three kids were camped out in there. Three children equals LOTS OF STUFF - so even if there had been time to hide away, everything was hidden under diapers, suitcases, portacribs and futons. She's been gone for several weeks now, but I finally, last night, dug out from underneath the flotsam and jetsam of visitors, and set up my table, sewing machine, and cutting board.

The set up took most of the Grammy Award Show. But I did manage to finally get a small thing done. These two Ohio Star blocks, which I've had cut out since.... August!? Yes, it was August because I cut them out while my daughter-in-law was up visiting and that was August. Geeze, I thought it had only been since last autumn. It was last SUMMER! Cripes!

Anyway, here ya go. They're pretty. Very traditional. A few years ago I fell in love with several floral blue and green prints and I immediately knew I wanted to do a traditional Ohio Star quilt in scrappy blue and greens for our bed. Let's not discuss the fact that the very first quilt top I ever made, is still languishing unfinished (I thought it would be fun to hand quilt it) in a bag in my closet.

I'll show you new blocks as I make them. There will be two of each block, to make two identical quilts - or maybe not completely identical, but similar - because I have a SECRET PROJECT planned for the second quilt. We'll see if I ever manage to finish even one quilt.

I might go work on something else. Maybe not even a fabric something else. I've been itching to do something creative for about a week or so now. Every time I got excited about starting something, I remembered that all my supplies were inaccessible or stored in a really, really, really cold room. That was usually enough to make me decide to get a bowl of popcorn and watch a movie instead.

But the other problem was although I was enthused about creating something, I was, still am, completely confused as to what that something should be! I have a half dozen different projects that appeal to me at the moment, but they all require me to take off in different directions.

I'm gonna go do something now. Creative. Not sure what it will be even as I go walk off to do it. But whatever it is, better then standing here at the crossroads any longer.

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