I also spent some time playing with some of my photos, changing them to black and white and adjusting the light and contrast. I "spookified" them up a bit and then made some copies to use for the base of collages for a couple of swaps. Uhm. Except, now what!? I had the idea to add some transparencies over them but, gee, it would be easier if I knew HOW to add transparencies. I guess I didn't think that far ahead in the project.
Y'know what I really need? I need my own personal collage tutor. When I first started quilting and I didn't know how to do something, I just sought out the people in our quilt group that appeared to have specialized skills and asked if they'd teach me. And they did. I realize now, in hindsight, how fortunate I was to meet such talented and kind people. But y'know, I have yet to turn someone away who wants to learn skills that I can teach. I guess it goes 'round.
I need someone to "walk me through it", help me get past the fear of making a mess of things. Someone with a sharp scissors, a glue stick, whatever else might come in handy (stamps? glitter? pens?), someone who's not afraid to use all that stuff! Or, if someone skilled isn't available to show me the ropes, then I wish I could find someone else as clueless as me so we could wade into disaster together.
And yes, I know, there are these things called "workshops". True. For some. But not out here in the boonies. Alas, this is a "workshop" free county. So. Anyone have any ideas what I should do next?
Oh, and one more thing. I still need to find and clear off a flat surface so I have a place to work. Yeah. That would be good too.
Yesterday it took me 4 hours to find enough space to work! Toss sort store REPEAT... But I did get 2 art quilts started, so I'm doing better than I have all summer.
I've heard great things about Joggles for their online classes - I'm debating about taking the Cat Bag class. Here is a link - there are some good collage classes towards the bottom.
:-D eirdre
found this site that looks promising for tutorials {?}
i just do easy peasy collage, cutting and pasting...i still need to get more into inking and stamping and using more of a layering technique...
a LARGE clear flat surface is a must esp. if you are like me and you shortly find yourself surrounded by every piece of crafting supply that you own (WHO got all that stuff out, surely it wasn't me?}
i love the iron piece you bought, i'm sure it will be lovely in your garden
my little shelf is black, everything on it is pink and brown :)
Laume, I am with you. I felt like a such a naive geek when I worked on my collage 3D piece over Labor Day weekend. See http://artquiltmaker.blogspot.com/2007/09/what-messy-day.html
Let me know what you find in terms of tutors. Too bad we aren't closer, we could muddle through together. Though I am not sure how much more collage I will do. I am having a problem finding supplies locally. And also the mess is a bit of a problem for me.
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