I am slipping in just under the wire to participate in this, the LAST year (sniff!), of the blogging community's open house - One World One Heart 2011. Participants and guests go from blog to blog meeting each other and entering in all the lovely giveaways offered by creative bloggers around the world. (I'll put the link to all the participants at the end of this post for you.)
Although my blog has been around for many years, 2010 found my posts far and few between. Not sure why. It was an unplanned hiatus. Might have something to do with launching our last child from the nest. It was a busy year. If you haven't visited here before, a wee bit of info about me - I'm a creative soul with too many ideas and not enough focus. I am undoubtedly part corvid, always distracted by the flash of something new and shiny to pull me off in another direction. But I'm hoping this coming year will be one of creative focus and growth for me, and that will mean an unprecedented amount of artistic endeavors to post about in 2011! I'm making a public declaration, right here and now, to help me follow through and be a creative Goddess.
At the moment, life is crazy and busy. My creative plans of the coming week are to finish some much needed room painting. I've got myself a willing minion...er, I mean friend, to help me. Wish me luck!
And my giveaway? I'm giving away some Butt Roses!
Right now voices all over the globe are saying "Butt Roses! Yay! I've always wanted some Butt Roses!!! I LOVE Butt Roses!"
Well, in my imagination you're all saying that. What you're really saying (if I didn't frightened you and you've already clicked away to the blog of a less crazy person) is "What in blue blazes are Butt Roses!?"

Here I am in one of my many alternate personas as a Rose Fae, proudly wearing my Butt Roses on a green bustle. Hehehe. See! You DO want some Butt Roses, don't you!
Here's a close up of some of them. They're very shabby chic and organic.

And here's a photo of a rose in the hand to show you the size of a medium one.

I'm offering three roses to one lucky winner - one each of small, medium and large. My roses are in cream, taupe, and pink, but I can make your roses in a color or colors of your choosing. And no, you don't have to wear them on your butt. You can stitch them onto a headband or hair pin. Or a favorite cardigan or jacket? A purse? You could even just display them nestled into a bowl or scattered amongst your perfumes and combs.
Just leave a comment on this post with a link back to your blog or an email address so I can contact you if you win. Deadline for leaving a comment is midnight PST on February 17th.
As promised, here's a link back to the participant list for One World One Heart 2011. Please enjoy cyberflying about, meeting the many wonderful and creative bloggers around this blue globe. I hope to find time to visit old friends and meet new ones in between spilling paint on my kitchen floor and running to the store for more paint rollers.
And when you're tuckered out from your travels, I'm hoping you will come back for another visit. I'll put on the tea kettle. You can pull out a chair, knock a cat off the seat, and have a cuppa with me. Do you take sugar? Milk? No, not that one, that's an old paint can!!!! Well, I'll have it all cleaned up by the time you get back again, right?
Butt roses!! Love the name! And why would you post less if your excuse is launching your last child out into the world? I was never more active then when my youngest was moving out! It was like being born again, more time to do what I wanted ;-))
Joan Baker (Iceland)
oh i'm so glad to see you posting again!! i admit to having a sad that there weren't more Laume updates (and have i been diligent about my own ??? um...no!!)
Welcome back to the blog-o-sphere!
And hellya...i'm looking for some buttroses (tho they won't adorn my butt should i win...*laughing*)
Happy Dancing that You are back...and I will try to keep my blog up to date as well...
Also left a comment on your other blog - it is a pleasure to meet you!!
Helen Fern
OWOH #594
Oh Laume! You are such a cute and silly faery! I want some butt roses! I would use them to make a nifty pin for my Ash hat!
Fun, throw my name in :)
Hi Laume, I would love to win your butt roses. That's my mom's name, Rose. Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.
What A Beautiful Blog And you door prize is lovely too!!
Come see my blog #425
Hugs Belinda
Howdy from Idaho! Thank you for being apart of OWOH journey across the world!
Hello! I'm so glad I found One World One Heart and was able to visit your blog! I'm pretty new to the blogging world and I love seeing the different ways of blogging. I hope you will check out my blog and maybe find something useful there. I'd love to be entered for your door prize, thanks for adding my name to the list!
Gorgeous little roses! If you have a moment, stop by my blog too :)
I'm not sure roses will help MY butt, but it's worth a try! Cute giveaway, and I enjoyed visiting you! I hope you will drop by my blog, too.
Those are so beautiful. I'd love a chance to win some. Thanks so much. ~Cassie angelandspot{at}yahoo{dot}com
wonderful givaway! please enter me!!!
What a lovely Fae, and great door prize
Hoopie OWOH 2011
Hi Laume ! I'm a roseaddict (see my blog : http://a-little-bit-of-paradise.over-blog.com/) and I would be so happy if I win your beautiful roses !
Greetings from Belgium !
Your fave colors and mine are perfectly in tune! Count me in please! #269
You have a very warm, humorous, and inviting stlye. I really enjoyed my quick look around. Please enter me in your giveaway and visit me, if you haven't already. I'm number 11 and my information is on my profile page.
Hi from Canberra Australia--I love the name that you have called your roses prizes that you are offering.
Please swing by my blog and enter my giveaway.
Regards Doreen #573
Hi Laume, it's great to meet you again! Just visited your other lovely blog. You make for a beautiful Rose fae. :) Thanks for offering these gorgeous roses. Again, Hope you'll stop by and visit with me: http://www.faeriemooncreations.blogspot.com/2011/01/one-world-one-heart-final-flight.html
Take care, Theresa
PS I'm following Beach Treasures, but that will lead me here as well. :)
butt roses! LOL what fun! i think i am part corvid as well. i have so much going on and can never stay with any one thing for long. that is why i am devoting 2011 to unfinished projects! thanks for adding me to the draw. come have a cup of coffee with me over at #827 cheers! olwyn
LOL....you sure got my attention!
Definately sign me up! I would be proud to own your butt-roses!
Hugs from Colorado
Stopping by from Ky to say hello!! I have visited so many creative blogs through this OWOH journey. I am glad to be participating in this great event. Please count me in for your great handmade butt-roses giveaway! I would love to win them. Thank You Tee creationsbytee@gmail.com
Glad you made it here! Fun blog and yummy flowers - count me in...
Pop over to me at 662
Hello, nice to meet you during this fun event, I would love to win your gorgeous rose!
I think you just helped me figure out my problem...too many ideas and not enough focus! I think my butt is probably too big for the roses, but I'd love to have them to decorate my dresser top! Hope you have time to stop by my blog at #331 to enter my giveaway, too!
Greetings again!
I just popped over from your other blog
Beach Treasure :O)
How do you do it? Keep up with 2 blogs!!
Im impressed girl!
Love the roses by by way
Mary #787
Gorgeous giveaway!!!
And now I see you again! Those eyeball trees are truly bizarre...nature is odd sometimes. And your fanny flowers are fun!
Best wishes and happy blog-hopping!
~Nikki (#783)
Hi Laume,
Well, it's great to swap howdies with you again! Last year we have talked a bit, and I really enjoyed our conversations.
It's great to see you being back in Blogland -- and you better become that creative goddess that you are at heart, Laume! :)
Thanks for the chance to win those roses. Somehow, I would choose them to be turquoise -- maybe because it's a color you normally don't see in roses. Hah!
# 66
Hello from NY. What a nice giveaway. I have a maroon hat that id just dying for those flowers! Thank you for adding my name to your giveaway.
I'd love some butt roses, but I am afraid I'd need a lot more than 3 for my butt! LOL...anyway, please include me in your draw, and I already invited you to my blog on your beach blog.
(Pieces of Fate)
Oh my..Fae clad in butt roses, lily pads, trees with eyes, I love this blog! Happy OWOH, nice to meet you :)
How creative I could get with the wonderful roses. I'ts nice to get to visit you at both of your participating blogs. Thanks for participating in OWOH.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com
lovely roses, it was great visiting you today and I hope you can visit me and enter my drawing.
Those are so lovely.There are so many things I could do with them! Thanks for the chance to win.I really enjoyes my visit.
This is a lovely place to visit....such wonderful hospitality ( I take 1 Splenda and milk, please) such gorgeous photos and projects (that white Raven is beyond gorgeous!) and a blending of beauty with humor (butt + roses = funny!) Please count me in!
...and since I'm following now...I can come back for that cuppa again!
Cameron #83
Hehe butt roses. Too funny. But very cute, count me in!
Loving this OWOH meet and greet. Come for a visit. www.beckoningoflife.blogspot.com Leslie
Hello from Cody, Wyoming, USA. I enjoyed visiting your blog and getting to know a bit about you.
Thanks for participating in OWOH. Please enter me in the drawing for your awesome roses.
If you haven't done so yet, please stop by and enter these giveaways too.
# 385 http://stampgram.blogspot.com
# 132 http://papertraders-art.blogspot.com/search/label/Home
Butt roses, teehehehe! I love to make fabric art so these would be a welcomed prize. I don't sell my fabric art cause it's no where near as pretty as yours! Maybe one day. I saw your other blog too and have to say your family is simply beautiful! What a darling baby and your DIL has the prettiest blue eyes. The wee girl fairie is precous too! All I have are three trolls! hehehe Gotta love my boys! Sanna
Hello from Iowa, it's so nice to meet you. I enjoyed stopping by your blog and would love to be entered in your giveaway.
~Donna (#792)
I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing. If you get a chance to stop by I am blog #809
Hi Laume,
Enjoyed reading both of your blogs, great photos and laughs! I'm blog 846 on the OWOH list. Please stop by and enter or leave a comment when you have a moment.
Tea, no sugar, little milk and piping hot, thanks.
Lots of funny comments about your name of the Roses, laughed with them, too.
Thanks for an entry to your giveaway.
Fabulous Giveaway - please include me and do come and visit my blog and enter mine too –if you haven’t already – I am #139 - I will be back for a more leisurely look around your blog after the event :-) – Cheers Britt in Australia
OMG!!! Just what I needed, Butt Roses! How have I lived without them this ling. :) I love them!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and the sweet comments you left. Tas hasn't decided where he is going yet, but I'm sure he would be happy if you won.
I love, Love, LOVE your dolls! The white raven is so cool! I have "Poe" as my muse in the studio. Ravens have always been my totem animal.
I'm following your blog. I think perhaps we are soul sisters, separated some time in a past life. :)
Moonbeams & Blessings
onceuponamoon @ gmail.com (no spaces)
#692 OWOH
Wow what a great giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to win! Now off to peruse your blog!
I would love to win your stunning roses, as I do love roses. Please visit me at Irish Muses #678.
Those roses are gorgeous! I'd love to win those :-) Please enter my name into your draw! And pop over to my blog and enter mine, too, if you haven't done so already!
Greetings from Germany,
Dagmar #88
Butt roses, fanny flowers- whatever!!!!! They're GORGEOUS!
As a kindergarten teacher, I LOVE meeting people who still play dress-up! Gorgeous!
If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll drop by both of my giveaways (at Twigs and Tulle and Kindergarten’s 3 R’s: I’m giving away a mini bunting and some pattern blocks) during this awesome blogging event! Happy OWOH!
I have had the most fun viewing your blog and envy you of having taken a wonderful sculpting workshop with so many awesome creatures! Have to chuckle about your butt roses. I was thinking anything BUTT roses! lol They are all awesome and thanks for your wonderful humor and give away. Sorry I wouldn't knock a cat off of the seat, you will notice that the cats perhaps more priority in our house than we do! Besides we are outnumbered 15 to 2! Come visit me, but be sure your clothes match fur, or would you prefer some to make some of your scultped creatures with? Just name the color! lol Wanda in Ohio #220
Oh how nice are your roses. You look great in that gown too!! How fun!
Glad I found you! Please include me in your giveaway.
Come visit me at
Thanks Teri abella4@att.net
i'd love to win your beautiful roses! please enter me lori diane #49-thanks!
Beautiful roses, I've tried, unsuccessfully to make some. You've definitely got it down, so throw my name in the drawing. I need them!!
Oh, if you are out in blogland, I'm #521.
I've enjoyed visiting your wonderful blog and would love to enter your giveaway!
Thanks :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Love you roses too!!!! Don't know how you keep up two blogs!!!!
Oh I'd love some long lasting pretty roses, so please do count me in:-)
Butt roses!!! I think my butt is large enough to draw its own attention without the addition of such gorgeous creations! However on my desk, hair, bag, broach that is another matter! :D
I've just visited you other blog and am glad of the direction here as I might have missed this with my random clicking up and down the list.
If you missed my other comment, feel free to visit me at:
buwahahahaha!! butt roses! indeed! that's the laume i remember so fondly!! of course, you must add me to your drawing!! it's wonderful to run into you once again after all these years!
p.s. tried emailing you back, but your server was over quota so it bounced back :(
Love your roses. Please toss my hat in the ring! Come and stop by my place if you get a chance. Thanks!
OWOH #733
Well Laume, I've always wanted a butt rose....I just didn't know it yet :) They are very pretty. My butts so big though they'd be lost on it. They may do better on my head. I'm sure my teen could tease me then and call me a rosy butt head ;) Seriously, they are really cool roses!
Sandi #559
PS more beautiful photos on this blog too I see!
I need butt roses! You crack me up. Stop over my blog to sign up for my giveaway via OWOH.
sweet butt roses=)
come stop by my blog #30 on the list
warm hugs & blessings from Montana!
greetings from Canada.
Nice giveaway!
Visit me at #336 -Shimmer and Tulle
Butt roses!!!!Love the name, they are so pretty who wouldn't love them. It was so nice to stay awhile and enjoy a coffee with you. If you get the chance I would love you to visit me downunder (Australia) so I can return the favour. #819 mustlovepaint.blogspot.com
Butt roses! Huzzah just what I've been missing!
Please stop by and enter my OWOH! I'm #50!
gosh,you are a lovely fairy. of corse, I want your butt roses!!! they are really chic!
Sweet Rose Fae,
What a lovely roses you create, I can see you dancing around them as you create them, sprinkling them with faery dust! *smile*
Sorry - just had to play! Thank you again for such lovely offering!
i love your butt roses! my favorite colors are black and red and shocking pink....please enter me in your giveaway and come enter mine!
Bwahaha on the butt roses! I think I'd wear them elsewhere, though...just 'cause I don't want to sit on them all the time!
Where do you Faire? It's clear you do! Don't try to pretend! I a Texas Fairegirl, myself, but I do hear mysteeeerious tales of other lands...
Hope you're having a great OWOH!
Beautiful! Love the butt roses and your photo! come see my falling ladies if you have a sec.
I've ALWAYS said there's just no such thing as too many butt roses. Ask anybody. ;~)
Love your fun blog and hope to win. Thanks for playing OWOH with us!
Hermits' Garden
Hi, so nice to meet you during OWOH! You have some absolutely beautiful photography and sketches on your blog. Your butt roses are stunning and I could see using them on one of my fabric collages, so please put my name in your drawing. If you get a chance, stop by my blog and enter my giveaway for a fabric collage.
Greetings from Fresno, California :-)
Please enter me in your drawing for your lovely give-away gift. I've got a huge butt, so I'll be needing a bushel of butt roses :-P
~Cheryl over @ Artsy Fartsy
Well, I don't think my butt would benefit from your lovely roses but I can think of many other places to wear them! Thanks for the chance to win!
~~ Connie
Love roses...and these would have so many uses. Thank you for the chance!
Gorgeous roses!What lovely work! I am thrilled to enter.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
OWOH giveaway
Hi from London, UK. Love your Rose Fae dress and your fab butt roses! So nice to see you and your blog on my journey around OWOH 2011. Enjoy the rest of OWOH. Kim (No. 724)
I love these roses! Please enter my name into your draw -- thank you so much!
~martha (#384)
(from Toronto :)
Lovely!I'd [put these on the cover of my Marie Antoinette art journal if I won them!thanks for the chance! Sue
Wow your butt roses are gorgeous, and you made them, they are lovely.
Thank you for the chance to win some :)
This is has been the best time! thank you for inviting me to your blog. If you have time please wander over to my blog. I'm number 476 in the list.
Hi Laume, so lovely to meet you! Please add my name for your giveaway, I would so love to win some of your butt roses...hehe!! I have to get myself a faerie dress like you have, it's so gorgeous. You'll see by my blog that I love everything to do with faeries:-)
Make sure you come by and enter my own giveaway if you haven’t done so already!!
Hugs, PEA from Canada xox
I hope you are enjoying the OWOH giveaway! I have met remarkable blogs there fore remarkable creators. Enjoy!
The daughter is in here, and saw the fairy fun dress--
"WHAT is she wearing, and WHY don't I have one????"
So, yes, I do believe we WOULD like some butt roses, very much!
Stop by and say hi if you get the chance; I'm OWOHing along with you.
trishatoo at hotmail dot com
Ooooh, I would ever so much LOVE to don some butt roses! I am even inspired to write a song about it! Cheers!!!
You have here a very nice Blog. And your Giveawy is great. Please, writes me on your list.
Visits me, nevertheless, also OWOH #646
Greetings from Germany,
Wonderful roses!
Greetings from Spain and thanks for the chance!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
Wow! These are super cute count me in!
Hi Laume, Butt roses I love. :)
Please include me in the draw and come by #9 and say hello.
Gorgeous shabby chic roses Laume..
sweet giveaway... please count me in...
Hugs from Australia…
Jenny x
Greetings from the Philippines! I make roses too- it would be fun to incorporate yours into my flower collages if i win! Patsy.paterno (at) gmail.com from
..take time to stop and smell the roses.. glad you took time to make them.. they are simple *Chic-tabulous*
what a great give-a-way.. thanks for the opportunity mitz_zee@yahoodotcom
Your giveaway is so beautiful!!! I would love to win something so special!
Thanks for the chance to win :D
Gracie, #516 on the list
Hugs !!
Hi Laume
Thank you so much for stopping by on this incredible OWOH flying adventure! Yes, one of my crowns would indeed look wonderful with your faery outfit!
Hugs Jo xx #263
Hello from Canada, Laume! I would wear these on my butt, they're lovely!
I hope you can find time to stop by my blog and say Hi, if you haven't already.
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Very fetching name!!Ha ha! Would love to be in your draw and find a home for some of your butt roses
Thanks for visiting me
Elaine #730
Hi Laume, It is so nice to meet you.I am a creative magpie too and definitely need to find some focus. And if you say butt roses are the next fashion trend I believe you, and am throwing my name in the pot to win some. Please add me to the giveaway list for your adorable roses and come over and visit me too. I am #229 on the list.
Hello! I am just flying in from OWOH. Please enter my name in your wonderful prize and pop on by my blog if you would like to enter my OWOH giveaway(if you have not done so already). You are most welcome to visit my blog any time. :) I love visitors. :)
email- serenite_50@hotmail.com
Would love to win your wonderful giveaway. Please include me in your draw.
I love your roses and they would look fabulous on anything :)
Please include me in your draw. I'm running late and hope the high number is lucky :)
I would love to wear a rose butt
chocolate and croissants at yahoo com
please stop by.
Hi Laume! I love your fairy costume and YES I want Butt Roses!
cathyguitarteacher-77 at yahoo.com
Greetings from kansas, You look fabulous in your fae costume. Loved it! I would love to win a rose or two, tehy are very pretty.
LOL! My ample behind should probably not be embellished with roses, but I would love to rock them in my hair or even clipped onto a belt (not on the back LOL).
Thank you for participating in OWOH 2011. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog, #51, on your journey.
hugs from ON, Canada
Tehehehe, butt roses! I would need, errrm, quite a few to cover my butt! Butt lets not go there ( gosh, that was bad ). I would love to win the roses, perhaps not to stick on my butt, but on a bag, and the colours you chose are perfect. Thanks for offering them. Liz (831)
Who'd have thought that butt roses would be so beautiful! Thanks for letting me peek into your world and see your amazing creations.
I was just thinking the other day...there seems to be something missing in my life....now I know what it is....BUTT ROSES! Can't wait to adorn my place of honor with these little gems! ;) Too fun!
Count me in for your give-a-way, and I hope you can swing by and visit me as well.
(#535 OWOH)
what a sweet giveaway! lovel y roses! Please add me to the draw!
Hi Laume,
Your butt roses are fabulous! ]
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Your blog is beautiful! I am blog # 627 on Lisa's event blog and I hope I win!
Smiles, Cyndi
Greetings from Canada
Nice to meet you and visit your blog.
Winning your give away would be awesome!
Thanks for including me in your draw..Come visit me, I am playing too#440
Lovely blog and lovely giveaways…I hope I win. Butt Roses? hmmmmm
I want my own butt roses...I love shades of pink and green.
Carolyn Kight Michigan USA
My blogs in OWOH
email: cmkights@tc3net.com
another email carolynleekight@gmail.com (I like this one the best.)
Ooooh, I love your roses. I adore handmade fabric flowers. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Butt roses! Hahahaha! My daughter (who's been snooping through the list) told me there was butt roses and I didn't believe her! Just brilliant, they look absolutely fabulous on your dress!
I'll say it again (just been by your other blog) - Please feel free to drop by my OWOH post too :)
OWOH #365
These are pretty for butt roses! LOL
Please enter my name in your draw and come on over to mine-#348 and add your name if you wish. Thanks and Good Luck!
I'm sliding in at the last minute to try to win a "butt rose"...smiles. Please enter me in your OWOH Giveaway! If I am the winner, you can contact me at BREATHofART@aol.com. Take a moment to visit my blog and enter my OWOH Giveaway at www.breathofart.blogspot.com
HA! Butt roses! I love it! You are just buckets of fun! Thanks for this fun giveaway! jinglesells at gmail dot com #357
I'm digging your butt roses:) Please count me in and enjoy your flight. Patricia OWOH #498
Hey Laume, Do you have two blogs? I think I was just at your other one. Butt roses! I don't know how I've gone so long without having any! The roses are quite pretty. Please count me in. Michelle, 598
OOh, I love the roses, Count me in please!
xoxo Kim
Such pretty roses just like the blogger! Now your post got me thinking about what my alter persona is! :)
Hope you can join in my goodie giveaways as well! :)
calejbitsvyk at gmail dot com
calej d'art
Thank you for the chance to enter your lovely giveaway!
Greetings from Ipswich, MA USA
I'm glad to meet you.
I'm a jewelry artist of sorts, a watercolor painter, an upcycler, and an over all creative adventurer!
I'd be honored for you to follow my blog!
Your roses are beautiful. Please enter me into the OWOH give away. I hope you can visit my blog, too. I'm giving away a shabby chic denim necklace. Come chat any time.
email: Lamore225@gmail.com
Hugs¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Linda L *
Nice rose!!!
Greetings!!! Nice to meet you! What a way meeting people from the world!! Fantastic!
Great inspiring creations here!
Love from Zutphen, the Netherlands.
Please enter me in your drawing for your beautiful butt roses!! :-D
Lol i soooo love your Butt roses they are cute,imaginative, and beautiful. love the name too hehe. your photo is gorgeous too
please add me in for your fabulous giveaway
hugs June x
well I for one love the butt roses....they are original and very shabby chic and that it what I love. I am Sharon and I hale form TN and have become a follower maybe we will get a chance to chat at on e time or another, that would be nice.
Lovin' the name! i LOVE shabby chic roses ,and thanks for the chance to get three!!!
They are gorgeous! And I just love your sense of humor! I am Beka in California. I am still in the running around after 3 school age kids, but my oldest will be in high school next year, so I am getting there too. So nice to meet you on this journey. Please enter me in your drawing if it's still open and come on by and enter mine if you have time today. secondhandbeka@yahoo.com
Butt Roses! Such a unique concept. I would love to be a part of your giveaway:-)
Great giveaway! Please count me in your draw!
I love crazy!!!Actually come to think of it... roses too LOL!! Anyway... Hi there!!! Great to meet & greet you, my name is Shelle I'm from Sunshine Coast Australia & I'm thrilled at the opportunity One World One Heart has given me to fly around the virtual World discovering so many creative artists & bloggers like yourself :) Home run now & I think I'll continue to visit bloggers on the list even after it's over, just so I can say Hi as the giveaway was just the catalyst :) it's so much more than that & for a newish blogger (me) it has been quite wonderful (& overwhelming LOL)! Please visit if you haven't already!! It's a marathon BUT SO MUCH FUN!!!!
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