I went to the local thrift store today. It's been a while since I've shared treasure hunting pics with you so I thought I'd share today's finds.

I found this hand sewn and embroidered orange cloth. It looks sorta peachy in this photo but it's really more of an autumn orange. The rocks atop it were in a box of goodies my mom sent to me recently. I also found the beautiful green hor d'oeuvres dish. It's a rather expensive European company but it has two small chips on the edge so I got it for 85 cents. Yes, I know, why 85 cents? Why not 75 cents? or maybe one dollar? LOL. I liked the unusual long length, it seems a nice way to display something delicious.

I paid $3 for this miniature dressmaker's form. I'm planning on embellishing it with different outfits - maybe a witch's dress this autumn, a snowy faery for the winter holidays, and so on. And it's pretty enough as it is for now.
I haven't spoken much about refashioning and wardrobe issues lately, but I'm still spending time with my clothes. Over the summer it was all about making outfits for Faerieworlds. And now, having lost several sizes, I'm trying to go through and fine tune my wardrobe both for fit and design. I'm all about making sure everything in my drawers and closets are about who I am NOW and not who I was last year or ten years ago.
Of course who I am now is not your run of the mill "mom wear" type of dresser. I'm a bit .... odder. And of course an important part of being odd is having lots of fantastically odd hats. I've found a number of great hats over the summer and today I found two more! Now I just need it to be cold enough to wear them.

Okay, let's face it, this is NOT a good photo of me OR of the hat. But trust me, it's a cute hat. It's black felted wool with a soft gold trim. It's much larger than it looks in the pic.

It's hard to take photos of yourself in hats. This one is a crinkly black velvet number. Crushable and bendable. I love it.

I won't force you to look at photos of the rest of my finds one at a time. Here's the whole pile of it, thirteen pieces. One of the nice things about shopping used is that it frees one up to buy unusual items that you might not be willing to buy new, and more expensive items you can't afford new. I also tend to buy more "basic pieces" when I buy used. So I found myself some nice tanks (a lot of my old tanks are now too big to wear underneath anything, where they belong). I bought one oversized shirt simply for the beautiful batik fabric - everything orange was half price and so I got somewhere between a half and a full yard of orange batik for $1. I also bought two dresses that were oversized because, for $3, I thought they'd be fun to go completely wild with them, cut them up, reduce them, turn them into tops or skirts or who know what. The appeal was they were gorgeous natural fabrics. Also two cute jackety wrap thingies, two pair of capris, a striped boys tee shirt (orange and black, can't resist), that pretty orange and black piece in the front is a nice dress and...... I think that's it.
More wardrobe news, I sorted my skirts today because I knew they didn't all fit anymore. I was hoping to get rid of more than I actually did, but I'm happy enough to have weeded out a decent sized stack. I'm going to offer a lot of the sorted out skirts to the mommy-to-be of my latest grandaughter-to-be. She could wear some of the floaty skirts with a nice long sleeved tee over her expanding belly - I think it would be really cute! I set a couple of my favorite skirts aside to attempt to resize them. A few more went into the costume supply box. And three are in a Maybe stack.
I also scored on a big bag of books - you can check out the titles over on
Beach Treasure.
I LOVE the hat pictures! I think maybe taking a picture of yourself to record the hat pretty much captures your essence.
--Leslie, in Hiawatha
I think you're pretty cute...
Nice stash you picked up. I'll take your word that the hats are good! I agree it's hard to do the self-portraits way up over your head! LOL
I also got a great deal today - I bought pounds and pounds of remnants. And some wonderful wool - which I love and I don't even LIKE wool! Photos on my blog.
:-D eirdre
wow. fun stuff! lucky you with the goodies...
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