This was in the free box at the thrift shop last week. With the cool icy blue and the bare trees and birds, I thought it looked very wintery. Turns out it's from the 1950's, a company called Lucent Dinnerware, this style was called Evening Song.

Not sure if I showed you this pretty tea pot I bought a few weeks ago. I think I spent $2. I think originally the gold covered the entire handle and spout. But I like it the way it is now, shabby and aged. It must have poured many a pot of tea, it must have hundreds of stories.

And now it can pour many more pots of tea for me.
It's been beyond cold the last few days. Almost as cold as I've ever known it here. Right now it's -9ºF outside. Hopefully this is as cold as it gets. BRRRRRR!

A good day to keep busy doing warm things inside. I've had the fire going all evening. Made a hot pot of split pea soup and hot apple rhubarb cobbler. Hot tea of course, as well as hot coffee. I might make it a triple play with a cup of hot cocoa to take to bed in a few minutes.
Ironing is a good warm activity, especially when I drag the board out to stand near the fire. Found some fabrics that I think will work really well for a project I'm starting. Being that time of year, I can't really say much more about that until after the holidays. Wink wink.
Anyone else up to any elf activities? You can tell me, no one you know will follow you to my comment box!
For some sparkly snow pics, Beach Treasure.
I love, love, love that blue plate!!! I don't envy you, your cold snap though. brrrrrrrrrr!!!
I am working on so many things for the kids this year. The hardest one is the son who is moving out to his own place for the first time ever. He won't say what he needs or wants in his new apartment, so I have to guess and hope.
I did make him a pillowcase though! lol
Now scoot over and let me sit closer to the fire! :D
Today is my work day. I'm trying to finish up Charlotte's present before they leave on vacation but it's hard when I see then every day :). Today I hope to make large strides!
I love the blue plate, too! and your adorable pink and gold tea set. You're so cute!! I love it! <3
I have that same pile of Indian cottons in a drawer! They are a much softer cotton with less thread count so I have been pondering what to do with them.
But my christmas surprise will be to rip out the quilt stitches on a 20-25 year old quilt of my son's and re-quilt it. The threads coming loose would have caught little baby toes and fingers.The new addition to the family is due in March, and DDIL already has one of DS's quilts that she hugged to her chest and announced that she HAD TO HAVE THIS ! So I will wrap up all the rest that I have been keeping all these years. Nina in BC
How come I never seem to find anything like this at thriftshops?
That plate is gorgeous!!!
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