I promised photos of my thrift store adventures. But first, a photo I took on the trip down to Reno. I had to stop and take a photo of these vapor trails.

You know you're a little bit different when you look up and say "Oh look, a giant string of pom poms."

This is small, about 8"x 10". I really liked the colors and owls are always a cool subject matter. When I got it home I realized it wasn't a print but a real painting or perhaps a print with some ink and decoupage work over it.

This is a rather large print (2' x 3'?) that was just too unusual to pass up. Make sure you double click to open it. The colors are much richer than they look in the small image. It's in the original frame (which is cracked, I tried to get them down on the price because of it but they wouldn't budge so I paid the full $8) and has a very old shipping tag (delivered to someone in Oakland, CA) still attached to the wire in the back but it's too faded to read any more. The protective paper backing sometimes has an information label or stamp butit is a bit shredded so there's nothing there. I really want to know more about the artist and this painting. It's signed "Patterson". I searched online but I couldn't find anything.

More finds. This little print in the middle - I know who the artist is on this one! The rest of the stuff from L to R: a red velvet chocolate box, a tablecloth with the most exquisite autumn colors embroidery (which appears to have washed out in the photo, pout. It has a water stain so I bought it to cut up to make pillows or whatever), a wicker birdcage, a red velveteen cushion for my sewing chair (I didn't pose her, Rosie jumped up and claimed the cushion immediately. Clearly I bought it for a little princess, yes?), a bag of old lace and whatever elses is in there, a giant red butterfly for the garden, some old cupcake tins for art (either AS the art or to hold art supplies), and some tiny, old, metal trays for art frames but I like them as they are so maybe I'll just enjoy them for awhile.

More stuff - little paper cutouts, old paper garlands, origami paper, glue sticks, an art card, wire, rolls of crepe paper, and some plate hangers.

This interesting fellow I bought yesterday at our local thrift store. I just noticed his skirt is caught up in the photo. It does hang down properly usually. He's a puppet. I'm assuming some sort of ceremonial dancer or character. Thailand? India? Anyone know more about him? He had a white faced brother as well but I just bought the one. I told the man at the thrift store "I don't know if anyone really needs
two of these." There was a short silence and then at the SAME TIME we both said "I don't know if anyone
really needs ONE of these!" We cracked up laughing. I bought him as a gift for my son, who has a sort of ethnic variety thing going on in his decor. But he might stay with me. We'll see.
Didn't I find some great treasures!? There's lots more I brought home too, but I think this is enough for now. The rest is more decorative than artsy. The photos of furniture (and scarves) I posted today on
Beach Treasure. You can't believe the bargains I found - go see!
OMG! On the other side, I am so jealous of you finding that dresser for such a riducusly low price. Around here, I have never seen one for under $200!
On this site, I want you to kiss your chihuahua for me, precious thing!
Wow ! You bought SO much stuff !
I thought i was lucky with thrift buys - you beat me hands dowm on this one !!
Rosie looks so cute btw :o))
I love finding bargains and great finds...that Indian/ceremonial whatsit makes me think of a woman who goes to the ladies and comes out with her skirt tucked into her panti hose!! :)
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