Sunday, June 11, 2006

I've been feeling blah about computer time lately. Sorry 'bout not posting something yesterday. Today even, what you're getting is a hodge podge of images that were already set the right direction to upload without messing around having to turn them 90 degrees or anything. Not that I wouldn't have ultimately shared them, just that I'm sharing them today because they were the easiest next pics to upload.

I'd like to say I haven't been on the computer much because I'm being creative or productive but, well, I'm not a very good liar. What I've been doing is being idle, which was one of my Wordplay words on Beach Treasure today. Let's hope it's one of those useful idlenesses in which one recharges one's batteries before breaking out with new enthusiasm and energy. Uhm, yeah. Sure. It's possible.

I did a jigsaw puzzle last night. Took me all night. Went to bed at dawn. It was a 1,000 piece puzzle of a quilt. Does that count as making a quilt? Okay, nevermind. Just asking.

So, the photos:

These first two are close ups I took at Stonehenge. I took a lot of photos there and wish I'd taken even more. It's fun to see the composition, the contrast, the lines, the shapes made from both the positive and negative spaces. I think I'll have to play around with all my Stonehenge images in Photo Shop. When I eventually get around to figuring out how to use Photo Shop. (Yes, Deirdre, I know. I promised. Apparently I'm not to be trusted with that sort of promise. You know me well enough by now to have figured that out!)

This next one I took more to remember the moment then to create an image, but I think it's rather like an Impressionist painting, don't you? Of course if it was an Impressionist painting, there probably wouldn't be all those plant markers in the foreground. I dunno. Maybe. I used to hate little bits of "reality" intruding on my images like that, but recently I've started to think of them as adding to the image instead of distracting from it. So, I rather like them there. But the richness of the textures in all that green, and the figures sort nestled in the middle of it all, that's what reminds me of a painting. If not a Monet, then maybe a Robert Duncan garden scene.

The woman was sitting there on that bench with her son while I wandered around this historical herb garden on the grounds of the ruins of the Glastonbury Abbey. She sat there calmly, resting, waiting, I don't know, while her son chatted happily and without apparent pause or breath, talking, if I recall, about the plants and the day and just generally being a little spot of joy. The mother wasn't ignoring him, nor was she feeding into his chattiness. She was simply the calm at the center, occasionally adding a gentle "Ah-hum" and "Yes dear" and other loving responses.

As for the greenery, it was fun to discover that I had most of these same plants growing in my own gardens back home.

And my son? He was laying in the grass by a small broken hedgerow on the opposite side of the garden, bored, hungry, and tired of waiting for me to look at stupid plants. Ah, the beauty of reality.

I really like this next image. It's looking up through the top of what was a..... not a church, more of a look out, some sort of.... be right back..... the British National Trust website describes it as " the 15th century St. Michael's Tower" which was on the summit of the Glastonbury Tor. I like how the abstractness of it contrasts that tiny glimpse of medieval stone.

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