But, there are some opportunities one shouldn't pass by. I was driving home from an errand yesterday, through the industrial area on the outskirts of town where I don't often go. Driving by the recycling center, the building supply company, the feed store, I spied a bunch of signs with arrows that all said "Barn Garage Sale". Barn garage sale? So, are they selling barns? Or having a garage sale in a barn? Or selling barn supplies? I had to find out.
It turned out to be an enormous warehouse sized barn the local antique and collectible dealer uses for storage. He generally gets his merchandise from buying up abandoned storage units and sifting through them for the treasures he puts in the shop. This was where he had left everything else.
It took me over an hour and a half to do just a cursory up and down every aisle. I spent $7. I was pleased because, a) I only bought a little bit, meaning I didn't bring home much of anything I had to find room for and, b) I did find some goodies, most of them crafty finds.

My house and garden are screaming for me to notice them, clean them, organize them. Can you hear them?
(AAAAAAAAAHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........HELp us.......)
That is, those sections that haven't given up and are laying about virtually comatose. Yet, cruel woman that I am, I'm going to turn a deaf ear to it all today and do some crafting instead. Rather, I'm going to try to hack my way into the jungle, aka the studio, in an attempt to make the guest bed accessible (which means I have to find it first - I vaguely recall it being in the corner directly across from the hall door) and hopefully (fingers crossed, knock on wood), start back up on some projects or at the very least find them as well.
Wish me luck. If you don't hear back from me in a day or two, send a search party.
Wow, you have an iron will to be able to go to a BARN sale full of goodies & only buy a few! But what wonderful goodies they are, especially the little plastic letters!!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Please come visit anytime!
Angelic Accents
WOW I am jealous! I saw the barn sale too! But my kiddies were not in the barn sale frame of mind, lol. BTW, I am mad that WM doesn't sell embroidery floss anymore, what is with that!
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