Sunday, February 08, 2009

I'm juggling "C" words. They're keeping me busy.

Clear, clean, coordinate, carpool, carry, conserve, call, coffee, cram, complete, cull, consolidate, cache, cook.....

I'm doing lots of those C things. The C word that is missing, and the one I'm most itching to be doing is.....

Clean The letter E a letter T RustE

It's nice to have all this energy, don't get me wrong. And doing all those other C things is a good thing. It means I'm that much less behind on life in general. But ARGH! I'm often spoiled by having a far more flexible schedule than many women and yet the minute I get energized, it's as if every task, job, person, and appointment hiding in the corners comes out to claim it for their ownself.

I'm pretty happy about being productive, even if it's not in the way I'd hoped. I'm not annoyed at all the roadblocks more than I'm worried about the energy tap turning off again before I can get to where I'm headed. But, a fun C word is shoving the rest of those chaps out of the way tomorrow afternoon.

Copper Square Letter c cAfe The Letter "M" RustE R A24

I have an appointment with a social friend to take some portraits of her and her family. But shhhhh, keep it between you and me please. It's a Valentine's Day surprise for her sweetheart.


Anonymous said...

An alphabet soup of creativety....even if you're not feeling it.



Fiona said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog - its nice to "meet" you.