My Magical Yule gift is in the mail! I sent it by Owl Post so it might take awhile. But it's winging it's way to London at this very moment. Barb's gift to Chris is also sent and won't take the owl nearly as long as it's not as far a distance. I can hardly wait for folks to receive things so I can post photos of them here (my mom, Barb, not having a blog, asked if I'd post her pics here as well).
That's the problem with this month. I'm likely the busiest in my studio that I'll be all year but because everything I'm making is a surprise, I have no photos to share until after the new year. ARGH. It's hard not to share. I get so excited.
So, since I can't share new photos, I'll share some old ones once again. And try to make some sort of segue from the Yule Swap into them.

I wander museums for my own pleasure so unless I'm already familiar with an artist, I don't always remember who did what. I liked this sculpture though in the Musee d'Orsay. Like my Yule swap creation it uses a lot of white (although mine is more sparkly!) and has some smiling, celebrating faces in it. That's pretty much where the similarities end. I'm guessing this took a lot longer to make than my piece. (Duh, yathink!?) Also, mine isn't as large. Or as heavy. Which is a good thing, considering shipping costs.

Again, can't tell you who the artist is - some one famous I'm guessing as it's also hanging in the Musee d' Orsay. This is a small section of a larger painting and I like the quiet, unexpected moment that's captured. That's a Yule stag, of course. In fact, it sort of looks like a reindeer, now that I take a second look. Is it leaping? Or is it flying..........? Boy, I'm being silly tonight.
Definitely flying!
Barb's gift was sent yesterday-hope it gets there soon!
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