Friday, March 13, 2009

Walking along the river trail the other day I glanced over and saw...

...why, it looks like a wee doorway. Let's get a little closer.

Wow, am I really seeing this? Is that a little set of stairs? Quietly now...

... a little arch of leaves. Is that... is that a doorknob!? I can't believe..... woooshhhhh...

.... I'm really seeing a.... oh. Well. I swear, for a moment there I thought I was seeing a wee faery door. But wow, it sure looks like it could be one, doesn't it?

Now that we're off the trail, we might as well finish climbing down to the edge of the river. I'm sure we'll find something to photogra...... wha!!!!!

I can't be seeing this! Wait. I need to rub my eyes for a moment. Let me take another look...

Oh. I see. Well, it does look a little fae made, doesn't it. But for a minute there, I thought I was seeing.... that was weird.


Shell said...

The Fae are known for your tricks. I'm sure your eyes were right the first time. Magic is all around us.

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